Healing and Love Quartz Rose Bracelet
This Quartz Rose bracelet emits a powerful energy of comfort and universal love. Wear it to find the comfort and inner peace you need. Quartz Rose helps balance the heart chakra, which will help you give and receive the love you deserve. People in need of comfort or wishing to find love will adore this bracelet.
Experience the Power of Quartz Rose
Quartz Rose has numerous physical benefits, such as relieving physical pain and promoting healing. Psychologically, it brings comfort, soothes emotions, and promotes harmonious relationships. This jewelry will accompany you on your quest for well-being and happiness.
Energetic Purification and Recharging
To energetically purify this bracelet, you can soak it for several hours in demineralized water with a little salt. Avoid charging it in the sun, as this could alter its colors. Take good care of your bracelet to accompany you durably in your quest for healing and love.
Product Details
- Headaches
- Fibromyalgia
- Superficial burns and blisters
- Healing
- Tachycardia, palpitations
- Dizziness
- Blood circulation
- Tension
- Restless sleep, sleepwalking
- Insomnia
- Depressive states
- Recovery
- Wound healing
- Wrinkles and fine lines
Promotes calm and inner peace, Serenity and tranquility regained, Repairs emotional wounds, Calms anxious states, Soothes heartaches, Reduces lack of confidence and boosts self-esteem, Helps overcome affective childhood shortcomings and traumas, Eases relationship difficulties, Encourages empathy, Helps overcome jealousy, Aid to artists, Helps express feelings, Keeps nightmares away.
For more products in this style, check out our complete Quartz Rose collection for healing and love.
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